Saturday, March 19, 2011

1st Business Meeting 2011 Review

On 26th February, we had the first business meeting for members at the class of 3TC4. We were glad to see most of the members were turning up on that day. For your information, that business meeting was also a pre-introduction section for our new members.
Our 2010-2011 president Leo Lester had given out his welcoming speech to every members and introduce about what's Leo Club! What we should do? The upcoming events and so on!
Most of them were concentrate on listening at the events that mentioned by Lester. Anyway, that morning was really crowded for whole class and many of them were forced to sit on the floor, we were appreciate their attendance for this meeting!
New faces of our LEO members! Some of them are so cute and I hope that they will be better than us in the future fiscal year!!
Besides that, we also opened a Q&A section and also some small group discussions among the members. Let members themselves to know more each other and develop the cooperation among themselves! So overall for this meeting was quite awesome and really thanks to those who are attended this meeting! ROAR!!

Treasurer 2010-2011
Leo Club of Chung Ling High School

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