Monday, September 13, 2010

Region 1 Leo Clubs Joint Induction and Installation Review

Wow what a wonderful Region 1 Joint Induction and Installation had done successfully at Chung Ling High School Hall! It's our school hall and we are so proud of it! Chung Ling ROAR! XD. Anyway, leos from Kedah, Perak and Selangor were gathered inside of our hall and witness for the joint induction and installation. Really thank you for you guys' attendance!

The photos that were taken by the official photographer Luke Goh and Royblin on that day. They were awesome and I just selected a few to share with you guys.
After viewing those photos, can you imagine how big was the event and how grand was it? Anyway, I really thanks to everyone for supporting us in this event and we hope that you can forgive us for those minor mistakes that happened.

For more photos you can search this link!/profile.php?id=100001408940749&v=photos&ref=ts and those photos are credited from Luke Goh and Lion Ong! Thanks to them for the nice photos and ROAR!!

Treasurer 2010-2011
Leo Club of Chung Ling High School

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