Monday, June 21, 2010

Region 1 Leos Farewell

Hello Leos,
Here to inform you guys, we are having the fiscal year 2009/10 farewell for region 1 leo clubs. This farewell is mainly organized for outgoing Board Of Directors. Every Leos are invited to attend this event. The details are as shown below:

Date : 26th June 2010 (Saturday)
Time : 5pm onwards...
Venue : Paradise Sandy Beach, Tanjung Bungah
Dress Code : Casual as you comfortable!
Fees : RM 10

Hope you guys can turn up to celebrate the farewell with our outgoings and really thank you for their leading in the fiscal year 2009/10. ROAR for them! =) Let's have fun!

GenYong Yik Fong
Incoming Treasurer

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