On 29th October, we Chung Ling Leos organized a visit to Little Sisters of Poor from 9.00am till 11.00am. It was a simple and meaningful visit there. We cleaned the rooms and decorated the Christmas tree for the home.We also provided some donations for them to contribute. The sister in charge there commented that the people there didn't actually want any materialistic things, rather they just want some young company to talk to. We promised that we will be organizing more visits soon. She also said that what they needed was more organic food oil and Milo Chocolate Malt Formulas as these were more suitable for the old folks there and a bit more costly. Leos from our club get the chance to serve the community and learn to be a better Leo. The OC for this community services project is myself, Leo Ong Sheng Xun. This visit is joined by DC Lion William Lim and RCC Lion Ong Lai Peng. Our sponsoring Lions Club President, Lion Onnie Goh and Club Advisor, Lion Jimmy Ang also came to join us on the visit. Our sister club, Leo Club of CDK also showed their support by attending this visit.

On that very same day, we also had representatives attend the Leo Wheel To Run to show our never ending support. It was a project organized by Leo Club of Sam Tet and Leo Club of Ave Maria Convent to raise public awareness about the disadvantages of using a wheelchair. Our club treasurer, Leo Seng Teik Yaw attended the project along with our District President Leo Ch’ng Kok Sheng. A very loud Roar to them!

The next day, we also attended the Cleaning Gurney 2011 event. This community service project was organized each year by the Government of Penang. We helped to clean the beach which is much polluted and we also get to work with various citizens of Penang to clean the beach. Together, we united and fulfilled the tagline of the day -
"Together We Team, Together We Clean!"

The Peace Poster Contest organized by the Lions Clubs International was a huge success. The event was organized on the same day with the 4 in 1 Health Awareness Campaign. And you can be sure that we were sure to be present in both events! Our sponsoring Lions Club, Lions Club of Penang (Host) organized this health services project, 4 in 1 Health Awareness Campaign 四合一健康醒觉运动 to raise public health awareness by giving free eyes check-up and health consultation. We also had blood donation on that day to collect blood for hospitals around Penang.
Well that’s it for October.. Many thanks for staying tuned for more next time! =)
Serve with LOVE, Make it SIMPLE